Friday 30 January 2009


As most of you who read this blog know, I work as a teacher for a conservation charity. I teach primary aged children mainly, but also nursery, secondary and adults to some extent.
I have been really busy these last two weeks visiting schools across my region and chatting to children about wildlife and birds.

One of the things I encounter with every group I work with is the need to tell me their stories.
Children are always desperate to tell you about the bird they saw in their garden last week, the one which hit the window while they had breakfast, the badger who digs up their garden.. etc.
I had a wee boy this week wave his hand desperately in the air, really keen to be chosen. When I asked him what his question was he simply told me proudly that he could make the sound of a cockerel, which he then delightedly did for the whole class.

I love the stories and tales they have to tell, and always try and allow some time for them. They express an interest and a delight in the world around them, an engagement with the topic being discussed and an excitement at sharing something amazing, funny or interesting with others.
But this is not just true of children.
When I do talks to rural groups or neighbours clubs, invariably at the end I will have people come up to me and tell me about their gardens, what they feed the birds, something unusual they saw last week or how things have changed since they were younger.
It seems we humans have a deep need to share with others, that an oral tradition still exists in our psyche and that storytelling is something more than fantasy.
It is a way of sharing how we feel, a tool for learning and a way to grow.
Keep sharing.

Thursday 8 January 2009


I was driving back from a meeting last night. It was really foggy and I could barely see the road ahead, and judging where the next corner was and which direction it was going to turn was pretty difficult.
I found myself driving pretty close to the white centre line and using it as a guide, keeping my eyes on it and trying to judge which way it was turning next.

Sometimes life can feel a little like this, what we thought was a clear view ahead suddenly becomes clouded and unsure. Our goals or visions for the future might alter and suddenly we're not quite sure where we are going.
I am a person that always likes to have a clear vision of where she is going, even if its just a week or a couple of months ahead. Planning and thinking for the future helps me to move along. Things don't always turn out as expected and I am not always ready even if I have been thinking about it, but having the goal or idea helps me.

Unfortunately life is more chaotic than that, and especially Second Life. Things can change in an instant, whole worlds come and go, not just ideas.
If fact the worlds ARE ideas.

I think this last year and a bit has helped me to relax a little, not to plan too much, go with the flow a bit more. I still need the white line, some simple plan or small goal, but I am more able to turn when it does even if its not the direction I expected.
Perhaps I am a little more tolerant of the fog.